Blog Options
Hold specific options for blog
as for pages, this section let you override general option applied to blog (blog home, single post). There is however a new section dedicated to the blog
How to manage blog options
The new sub-section added to the blog options is "Post Options".
Keep that in mind
This option (Post Options), is also available on "Archives", "Search page" and "Authors".

This sub-section hold 2 options:
1. How to manage Post Meta
This option groups differents post meta displayed, those metas can be enabled or disabled from this screen. To enable a meta, make sure to check a box.
You can then hide such meta : date, category, tag (only on single post), comments number, author.
2. Control social share
Span has a buil-in feature which ease social share. This feature is handled by the option "Social Share". If at least one social network is enabled the "Share this post" section will be displayed.
Updated less than a minute ago