Blog Options

Hold specific options for blog

as for pages, this section let you override general option applied to blog (blog home, single post). There is however a new section dedicated to the blog

How to manage blog options

The new sub-section added to the blog options is "Post Options".


Keep that in mind

This option (Post Options), is also available on "Archives", "Search page" and "Authors".


This sub-section hold 2 options:

1. How to manage Post Meta

This option groups differents post meta displayed, those metas can be enabled or disabled from this screen. To enable a meta, make sure to check a box.
You can then hide such meta : date, category, tag (only on single post), comments number, author.

2. Control social share

Span has a buil-in feature which ease social share. This feature is handled by the option "Social Share". If at least one social network is enabled the "Share this post" section will be displayed.